New Outdoor Dining Area

Throughout the school year the culinary, agriculture and construction academies have been collaboratively working on a project here at Roosevelt Academy. We are so happy to unveil the outdoor dining courtyard! Mrs. Updike, Mr. Cruz and Mr. Sharpless along with all of their hardworking students have completely redesigned this patio area. Complete with fresh landscaping, a custom built pergola, herb boxes and of course the school's beautiful peach tree, this area will soon be used for outdoor dining. It is a wonderful combination of beauty and functionality that the staff and students at Roosevelt Academy will enjoy for years to come! Thank you to everyone who help support this project and put in time and effort to see it come to life

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Roosevelt Cafeteria

Polk County Public Schools' Nutrition Department includes more than 1,000 dedicated professionals who work hard to serve nutritious meals to students every day. Did you know that each school year our district serves more than six million breakfasts and 11 million lunches? We do! We believe that good nutrition is critical to student achievement and the attainment of our district's mission and goals. We strive to serve fresh, high-quality food and offer local products at every opportunity, including fresh-from-Florida green beans, corn on the cob, strawberries and more!



My School Bucks

MSB Meal Banner

District Nutrition Information

For more information about food allergies/special diet needs, career opportunities, and Faq's, visit our district nutrition website below!